Sunday, March 13, 2016

Putrajaya Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2016


Well this weekend we got to cross one of our travel bucket list which is hot air balloon Putrajaya. Every year it happen we always said "nanti kita pergi lah" , ending up tak pergi pon. So this year because of the date it happen is at the beginning of semester so there really not much assignment or homework to be doing jadi apa lagi kita serbu lah festival.

As usual we 'the three stooges' travel to putrajaya in the morning from Melaka. We decided to go on the first day of the event sebab hari pertama jatuh pada hari jumaat masih hari bekerja jadi takdelah ramai orang. But the downside from coming on that Friday is that not many balloon were up. Actually when we got there, there were no balloon at all. Only the tethered balloon ride were in side.

But its okay lah. Asalkan dapat naik kan. Nak datang sana make sure carry a lot of money because foodgasm is also there. Equivalent of two football field. Serious besar plus banyak vendure. Ada jugak extreme sport yang korang boleh main seperti memanah , paint ball dan banyak lagi yang aku malas nak listkan.

Fiesta ni ada tiketnya mengikut zone-zone. Paling murah RM15 which is the blue zone at the launching field. You can grab bean bag and watch as the balloon launch and the most expensive one is RM300 which from that price pretty much you will be treated like a princess with food and live jazz music and premium tethered balloon ride.

Nak lagi murah? Buat macam aku. Tak bayar apa-apa pon. Datang dan jalan sahaja. Kalau tak beli tiket its okay. Masih boleh tengok hot air balloon cuma tak dapat la duduk kat blue zone dan dapat kerusi bean bag yang empuk itu ataupon dilayan seperti raja dibelai dengan music live jazz dan gourmet breakfast. Yang free ni dapat duduk kat concrete keras ditemankan dengan pancaran matahari.

Plenty of ride to go to. You can take the cruise ride RM30 per ride about 30 minutes around the putrajaya river. Bonus (it have air-conditioning) so kalau rasa nak pitam terlalu panas tak dapat tahan dengan cuaca malaysia, bolehlah naik. Ada ride yang tak de aircon jugak harga nya murah lagi lah. Plus there is also the 'ninja warrior' obstacle. Ala yang macam America ninja warrior tu. The obstacle is right beside the tethered balloon ride.
I am Sky warrior!

And last but not least is The tethered balloon ride. Normal price is RM75 but due to the hot air balloon fiesta they discounted it to RM30. You literally can see anything in that high but that day even though it quite sunny there also kabus. So the sight is not that clear but im too excited to let that one thing ruin my ride. HAHA

Because we have other place to be,  we didn't stick around that long. After the ride we went for a walk around the place before head off. Didn't even go to foodgasm because we know that we going to spent whole crap of money there. HAHA.

Putrajaya is one of my favorite city. The structure is quite organize plus very clean and there is a lot of huge monument. Adakah aku sorang je yang terasa teruja lebih bila nampak bangunan/landmark besar-besar? Rasanya aku sorang je kot. haha.

Lepas Putrajaya buat apa? Food hunting la apa lagi. Tu lain post lah okay. :)

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